Leeds Mind is proud to share a film about suicide bereavement, produced by a group of young people with whom we work.
All young people involved have been supported by Leeds Mind’s Suicide Bereavement Services. They share their experiences of being bereaved by suicide, and how Leeds Mind has helped.
The project started with a donation from a family who had benefitted from Suicide Bereavement Services sessions. They raised money by participating in the Leeds 10k, and wanted the money to help ensure more young people could access support.
Through a collaboration between Men’s Talk, Leeds Mind and the young people, it was decided that video was the best way to connect with other young people to increase accessibility and awareness of the service.
The young people involved expressed a strong desire to spread awareness of the support available. They were keen to use their experiences to help reach other young people who may need similar support but are unaware of the service. They shared that being involved in the project has been empowering and a way to give back.
Rachel Walmsley, Senior Suicide Bereavement Practitioner and Family Worker with Leeds Mind said: “I’m so incredibly proud of all the young people involved in this project. It’s a brave but necessary step to seek support with suicide bereavement, but it’s braver still to share your experiences to help others.
“Everyone involved wanted to express a big thank you to the family that made the donation that made this project possible. They have also taken their difficult experiences and made something positive out of it.
“A huge thank you goes also to the people involved in the Men’s Talk project which made this project possible, and of course, the young people who participated.
“It’s our hope that this film inspires other people to reach out for support, so I’d ask anyone to please help us promote the film by sharing with their networks. This could be via an emailer, on social media, or just by sending the link via WhatsApp.”
Watch the film above, or visit: https://youtu.be/2wh4J2hXxlE