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Peer Support

One-to-one support

(professional referral only)

This Peer Support service offers one-to-one support, as part of the wider NHS Transformation work happening across Leeds.

We can take referrals from primary or secondary care mental health professionals.

About the Service

This service is delivered by a team of Peer Support workers across Leeds Mind, Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service, Yorkshire MESMAC and Health for All.

The service has been developed and informed by people with lived experience of mental health difficulties and each of the peer support workers have their own lived experience.

Staff participate in discussions, share their feelings and experiences and learn from one another, just as the people using the support service will.


What do we offer?

We offer up to eight one-to-one sessions or up to four months of support, whichever comes first.

These sessions are available online, via phone or face-to-face in the community. We can also offer group work activities from our range of courses and workshops.


Who is it for?

For this one-to-one peer support*, we take referrals for people who meet the following criteria:

  • People aged 17 and over
  • Living in Leeds
  • Dealing with long-term, severe mental health difficulties
  • Currently accessing primary or secondary care for their mental health


If you are unsure whether the person you are supporting is eligible for this support, please contact us by phone or email on 0113 305 5800 or

*Our general Peer Support is has other criteria. Please see each course/workshop/group for details.