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Inkwell’s Winter Fair

Inkwell Arts Potternewton Lane, Leeds, United Kingdom

Soak up the lovely warm atmosphere at Inkwell and enjoy our homecooked food and fabulous live music. There will be lots of foodie festive treats on offer and our artists...


Managing Relationships at Work Peer support Workshop

WorkPlace Leeds De Lacey House Abbey Road , Leeds, United Kingdom

Open to anyone who is employed and is free of charge. to make a booking call De Lacey House 0113 2302631 or via the website.

Felting Workshop with Natalia Sauvignon

Inkwell Arts Potternewton Lane, Leeds, United Kingdom

Felt is the oldest form of cloth known and has been used by many cultures to make clothes, footwear, rugs and even shelters such as the Yurt. Today, felting is...


Mindful Employer Leeds: December Network – 15th December 2016

Irwin Mitchel Leeds 3rd Floor, 2 Wellington Place, Leeds, United Kingdom

FREE EVENT: Thursday 15th December, 13:45 - 16:00, Irwin Mitchell LLP, Leeds City Centre *Please note due to catering there is a booking deadline of Tuesday 13th December, 17:00* We...

Funk & Soul DJ Night raising funds for Leeds Mind

Inkwell Arts Potternewton Lane, Leeds, United Kingdom

    On Saturday April 1st we are holding a special fundraising event for Leeds Mind- A funk and Soul DJ night. Bring your dancing shoes! Real Ale Bar, great...


Headstogether Virgin London Marathon 2017


Mind has been chosen as one of the eight partner charities for the “Heads Together” Campaign, founded by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry and has the...

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness week is about raising awareness of mental health and wellbeing

North Leeds Food Festival

22nd & 23rd July 2017 - Roundhay Park, We are extremely grateful to the team at the North Leeds Food Festival for choosing Leeds Mind as their supported charity for...

North Leeds Food Festival – supporting Leeds Mind

We are delighted to have been chosen as the North Leeds Food Festival's supported charity for the second year running, tickets are on sale now via following this link  See...