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Help for Employers

Job Retention Service

Someone in your team struggling? Retain valued staff with the Leeds Mind Job Retention Service.

What we offer

Leeds Mind offers a job retention service at WorkPlace Leeds, helping you retain valuable staff by supporting employees to manage their mental health and stay in work.

Our work is built on over 20 years’ mental health employment support experience and we have been recognised by the Centre for Mental Health as a virtual ‘Centre of Excellence’. We’ve worked with a wide range of employers across both the public and private sectors.

For more information please contact:

Tel: 0113 230 2631

Our Job Retention Service gives you:

  • Impartial, confidential advice to help you retain valued staff who are struggling with their mental health
  • Help to keep clear lines of communication open with your employee during sickness absence and ongoing mental health difficulties
  • Guidance around reasonable adjustments and your legal responsibilities
  • Support to improve sickness absence rates
  • Advice on getting the best out of staff with mental health conditions

Offering mental health support to our employees through WorkPlace Leeds is a win-win. The individuals benefit from the support in times of need, and the company saves a huge amount in both time and money through reduced sickness absence leave and increased staff retention.

Dylan KimberHead of IT at networx Recruitment

We support your employee to:

  • Gain a better understand of their mental health difficulties
  • Take part in meetings about their situation
  • Prepare for a return to work, if they are off sick
  • Make positive decisions around managing work
  • Put day-to-day issues at work into context
  • Use tools to help manage wellbeing
  • Identify additional therapeutic interventions
  • Retain their employment

We can also help with negotiations around positive employment endings if applicable, such as settlement agreements or ill health retirement.

Being able to work on my mental health recovery at work and work on techniques specific to the real-life daily challenges I face has been the most positive and influential part of my mental health recovery - I would not be at work today without WorkPlace Leeds.

TomA user of the service

Get in touch for a free, no-obligation chat about your organisation’s needs.

0113 230 2631 (ask for the Leeds Mind Job Retention Specialist)