Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 runs from 10th – 16th May. Raising awareness of mental health difficulties is a big part of our mission as a charity, so we are excited to be part of the conversation again this year.

The week itself is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation. This year’s theme is Nature, and since Leeds is lucky enough to be one of the greenest cities in the UK, we’ll be sharing lots of content around how we can make the most of our local outdoors spaces, and why it’s good for our mental wellbeing.
As part of this, we’ll hear from across Leeds Mind, including from Inkwell, our creative wellbeing service, and WorkPlace Leeds, our workplace and employment services division.
You might also notice we’ll start to look a little different too. As part of the Mind federation, we are rebranding in line with national Mind, the UK’s mental health charity.
Mind’s new brand and strategy focuses on supporting the people disproportionately affected by mental health issues. People from racialised communities, young people, and people living in poverty. It talks about fighting for better mental health in a way that it never has before, to make sure everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets the support and respect they deserve.
As Leeds’ local mental health charity, Leeds Mind will be building on this strategy through a local lens, through the support we deliver, as well as all the work we do to influence the local mental health landscape.
So this Mental Health Awareness Week, we’ll be talking about how we as individuals can get out in nature to look after our own wellbeing (and that of our friends and family), but we’ll also be looking at the broader and pressing issue of fighting for support. For respect. For you.
Follow us on social media to be part of the conversation.